Diversity Becoming Increasingly Important? Here’s why!
Your human resources department has been talking a lot about diversity lately. You receive emails from the company management about the importance of a diverse team. You notice a change in the hiring strategy— a more diverse workforce. We’re sure that wherever in the world you are, you know about the importance that ‘diversity’ has taken in the recent past. Companies have realized that they need to embrace diversity if they have to grow. Read on to find out why.
Diversity at work refers to a workforce that has different characteristics and attributes. A diverse team, for example, is that which consists of people from different genders, ethnicities, age groups, and so on. This applies to the bottom-line workforce and the management as well.
Prioritizing diversity does a lot for enhancing a company’s culture. It serves as an unwritten understanding that everyone they hire is considered an equal. When potential employees see this in an organization, their interest to work for it increases. Who would not want to join a team where they feel heard and appreciated? A company’s social responsibility program and its stand on diversity and inclusion is thoroughly researched before applying for a job. If you feel like your superiors take you seriously, you are more likely to take pride in your work. This will make you more productive, and perform better. When the team engages like this, they will get along better. The company will see a decline in cases of homophobia and racism. On the whole, you notice a culture change, and an improved company reputation that comes along with it.
Businesses want to increase their demographic. To tap into unexplored markets, they need to ensure they have a team that understands different sections of people. They will empathize with customers, and understand what they need. A diverse team will bring forth different solutions to problems. A varied perspective is what is often needed to make the right decision. It may seem overwhelming to have to consider contradictory opinions. But weighing them out gives your team clarity about what works best.
Think of yourself in a meeting with your colleagues. Would you learn anything new if you all share the same thoughts and ideas? Would you feel compelled to expand your way of thinking? Probably not. You would view problems similarly, and not have a range of solutions to choose from. Working at close quarters with colleagues who are cognitively different will challenge your unconscious biases. It will expose you to new perceptions. You are more likely to think out-of-the-box when you understand varied points of view. All this leads to innovation— the need of the hour for organizations to sustain.
In an ever-changing world, and one where people are starting to become more like each other (more about social media influence for another day), companies will need to focus on diversity. As the years go by you will hear a lot more about diversity. It matters. It makes an impact and companies are now embracing it as a priority.