How To Get Your Morning Routine Right
Snooze alarm, sleep in. Get out of bed after another hour. Coffee. Social media. Emails. Does this sound a lot like your morning routine? You are not alone. Many people struggle to take control of their day, and this has a lot to do with how their morning starts. If you’re here, you’ve aced the first step already— you have the desire to make a change! Changing habits can be one of the most difficult things to do since it requires consistency. Especially when you cannot see results. Does the thought of a routine change overwhelm you? We’ve put together a list of actionable steps that help.
Stay away from social media
This one has to be at the top of our list since it is the biggest deal breaker for a productive morning. Comparing your life to that of a stranger online might not be the best way to kickstart your day. Scrolling mindlessly on social media when your mind is fresh, soaking up like a sponge, will leave you feeling drained before the day has even begun! It is tempting to want to know about what we missed out on while we were asleep. But there is always time for social media later on in the day.
Have a night-time routine
Waking up early, fresh, and without an alarm clock has a lot to do with making sure you sleep well. 7 hours of deep, uninterrupted sleep will work wonders for your mind and body. And this is possible if you have set rituals that help you sleep better. Before you go to bed, try planning what your next day should look like. Make a to-do list, and set priorities. Set aside your clothes for the next day. Think of what you could eat for breakfast and prep ahead if possible. Take a warm bath, or read a book— anything that could help you sleep better.
Reclaim your time
Make a conscious effort to not hit the snooze button. When you wake up early, you have a couple of extra hours to get things done. Use this time to sneak in something that makes you happy. You could enjoy time with your kids before they head to school, walk your pets, or sit with a cup of your favorite coffee. Listening to music is also known to boost happy hormones and promote relaxation. We find podcasts to be very effective too— they leave you feeling inspired to take on the day.
Eat right, move right
Everyone knows about the benefits of exercising every day. And getting some physical exercise in the morning can be the best addition to your routine. It leaves you with a sense of accomplishment, one that stays with you and makes you feel good. You will feel energized and ready to take on any task. Having a wholesome breakfast needs to be an important part of your morning routine too. It is what will push you through the day, fueling your body and brain.
Your brain will be at its creative best in the morning. This is the best time to put your thoughts to paper. Your thoughts here involve anything that is on your mind— goals, business ideas, life plans, gratitude lists, or journaling. Finding a place for your thoughts on paper will give you clarity and ease your mind. You will feel settled, and calm.
There’s a lot we can do but these are a few basic changes that can turn your life around. Start with baby steps, make your bed, and the rest of it gets easier. With time you will notice that it is a solid morning routine that is the secret to a successful and happy life.