Copy The Success Secrets Of A HABITUAL Entrepreneur

Learn from the most successful, and accelerate your business success.

Idea To Empire: Entrepreneurial Excellence Unleashed

with Best Of Making Bank Series



Welcome back to Making Bank. In today’s episode, we have a compilation of previous episodes with Justin Christianson, Ian Stanley, Tyna Moore, Cole Gordon, Brad Barrett, Robert Glazer and Sean Mccormick, and in this episode, you will hear tips and tricks from top entrepreneurs about the guide to success.

(3:08) Justin Christianson
Desktop conversions are usually double that of mobile. However, average order values are now almost the same. The higher desktop conversion rate comes from the ease of browsing more products and viewing more options.

(8:09) Ian Stanley
When people hear your story, they’re not just listening—they’re relating it to their own lives, reflecting on how it connects with their own experiences. They’re constantly comparing it to their own story in their heads. So, make your story relatable and engaging to create a deeper connection.

(14:20) Tyna Moore
The idea is that applying a bit of stress can help an organism thrive. Intermittent fasting embodies this concept by introducing mild, controlled stress to the body. As a result, the body adapts and responds positively, enhancing overall health and resilience.

(19:56) Cole Gordon
Structure your sales process to use Socratic dialogue. Ask skilled questions that lead prospects to reveal the key points you want them to understand, reinforcing the essential beliefs and creating consistency.

(23:13) Brad Barrett
He quickly said, “If you can remove your emotions, you’ll be successful,” and then moved on to five steps. I thought, “Wait, removing emotions is crucial! Are we robots? If you can do that, sure, but how?”

(27:32) Robert Glazer
Our differing perspectives on events can make or break our day. For example, in a car accident, while one might focus on the positives like insurance coverage, another might dwell on the negatives, shaping the course of their day accordingly.

(32:43) Sean Mccormick
In 2012, we opened our business from scratch, bootstrapping every step. With my partner and wife, we poured our savings into creating the kind of place we’d love to visit ourselves. That vision was our guiding force from day one.
