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How To Biohack Yourself With Guest Dave Asprey: MakingBank S1E32

with Dave Asprey



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Don’t you just hate those days where you wake up feeling foggy and unfocused? You try to counteract the feeling with high-doses of caffeine, but that only leads you to feel jittery and restless.

So what’s the root cause?—chances are, your mental fog has something to do with what you’re eating.

Most of us don’t pay enough attention to what we eat, but in order for the body to perform at its peak, we should. Creativity, energy, focus—they are all tied to what we’re consuming.

With that in mind, today on Making Bank, we’re talking biohacking—understanding and then hacking your body’s chemistry to become more productive, more focused, and more energetic… Discovering what foods are make you better, and which make you worse.

And we’re talking about it with Dave Asprey.

Dave’s a podcaster, coach, and bestselling author of The Bulletproof Diet. He teaches entrepreneurs and businesspeople to optimize the potential of their bodies and minds in order to achieve the truly great.

Listen to hear Dave talk in-detail about:

●       Being the first person to sell something online

●       Hacking your biology to improve performance, focus, energy and intelligence

●       How he lost over 100 pounds

●       The bulletproof foods you should be putting in your body

●       How to maximize your willpower and eliminate brain fog

●       The breakfast coffee that makes your morning phenomenal

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I am Josh Felber. You’re watching Making Bank, where we  discover the secrets, the strategies, of the top 1% of the most successful  entrepreneurs to give you the unfair advantage to leverage your life, to take  control of your life, and become more successful. Today’s episode is super. I  am super excited for it today. What we’re talking about is biohacking. What  is biohacking? Everybody keeps hearing, “Oh, I’m hacking this and I’m  hacking that,” and you think, oh, maybe back in the day when people used  to utilize their computers to hack into government networks or people hacking  in to take the credit cards for the credit card companies, whatever that may  be.

That’s not what I’m talking about. Similar, but that’s  not what I’m talking about today. What we’re talking about is hacking our own  body’s chemistry for better sleep, more energy, healthier body, nutrition,  and improving the overall lifestyle that we’re living. One of the big things  for me was, how can I make sure I’m getting optimal amounts of sleep? How can  I make sure my brain is turned on, all the neurons and synapses and  everything are firing, connecting, flowing the information, learning as well,  to help me be a better person, whether it’s in meetings, speaking on stage,  helping coach high-performance clients?

It all started out, for me, many years ago. As you live  that lifestyle and you’re thinking, “Man, nothing could happen to me and  I’m always going to be able to sleep well and live longer and just be healthy  in general,” but as you get older, ‘30s and when you hit your ’40s, you  start to feel like, man, you’re not recovering form your workouts as fast.  Maybe your sleep is just not as dialed in. You’re not getting that deep, same  amount of sleep that you used to get. Your overall energy level and vibrancy,  maybe it’s just dropped down a notch or two. It’s like, how do we get that  back? How do we take ourselves from where we are and move ourselves to that  next level?

For me, I’ve always been a big proponent of fitness and  nutrition, making sure you have the right supplementation within your body.  For myself, one of the big things that has really helped with me is making  sure my nutrition is dialed in. Our bodies operate, our brain just loves to  have fat and our bodies utilize that fat for energy to help us perform  better, to sustain better in our workouts, as well as it helps our brain just  really have the energy for it to process and to connect and learn new  information. What happens is we’re living out there, you guys are living the  American standard diet or the American normal diet that we all think.

It’s just not helping us; it’s not bettering ourselves  and who we are. You’re eating processed foods, sugars, all different kinds of  either higher carbs or maybe higher proteins. What we really have to take a  look at is removing all that processed products, removing the sugar out of  our diets, and then adding more fats back into our diets. When you add more  fat back into your diet, it’s going to actually give your brain and your body  the optimal energy to burn, the optimal energy to utilize to help our brains  recover, help our brains and bodies think faster and better.

By cutting out those sugars and those processed foods,  that’s going to give us an advantage. It’s going to give us an advantage to  be able to have more energy. It’s going to be able to give us that energy to  feel better, to feel healthier, to think more clearly. You want to reduce  that and get rid of that brain fog that you deal with on a daily basis. It’s  not drink more coffee all the time. It’s to reduce, or eliminate, all your  sugars and processed foods and start eating more fats in your diet. Make sure  you’re getting your protein, some kind of good, lean protein source as well.

Make sure you’re getting good carbohydrates. I’m talking  about raw vegetables, broccolis and peppers and cucumbers and that sort of  thing, as well as supplementing with some kind of super greens drink, some  kind of super greens drink that’s going to give your body the additional  nutrients that it needs, that it craves, because we’re not able to eat all  that in one or two or three sittings. By having some kind of super greens  drink in the morning it’s going to help supercharge your body, create an  alkaline balance in your body to give you to be able to start maximizing your  results.

Next thing we want to talk about: How can we hack  ourselves to be smarter? How can we hack our brains to learn more  information? How can we hack our brains to start to recall information and  memories and everything much faster? One of the biggest things, what works  for our bodies, besides getting the nutritional side of the component, is  exercise, making sure you have some kind of high intensity exercise, whether  it’s sprint intervals, whether it’s crossfit, whether it is some kind of  fitness boot camp, but something to really get that body moving in  high-energy spurts as well as shorter duration.

For me, I use crossfit and I utilize running as well as  a lot of interval training with sprinting and weights and things like that as  well. That’s going to get my brain going; it’s going to give it that extra  edge. It’s going to help supercharge it. The second thing I did is I’ve tried  out a lot of different supplements to really help with my brain get focus,  clarity, concentration, better overall energy. I just couldn’t find the right  things on the market. I’ve tried all sorts of different neurotrophics, which  are brain supplements, whether they were … A variety of different ones that  are all herbal.

Finally I was just like, “Man, I’ve got to find  something that I can really do,” so I created this formula for this  product called Brain Boost. With Brain Boost, by taking that every day, it’s  giving more concentration, more focus, more clarity. My mind IQ has risen to  give me faster response times as well as a more focused, deeper concentration  when I’m working on projects, when I’m helping other people with their  business, with their life, and change their lifestyles as well. The Brain  Boost is a huge product that’s really helped hack my mindset, and we’re  moving forward there.

With today’s society and the high demands of the digital  world as well as the pressures that we’re having on us, we have to take  advantage of the opportunities that are there. I’m really excited for our  next guest. He has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to hack himself, to  figure out what nutrients work best, how to get the most sleep, how to have  the best nutrition, and raise his level of achievement. His name is Dave  Asprey. He’s the owner of Bulletproof Coffee, Bulletproof Executive and the  first Bulletproof coffee shop out in Santa Monica, California. Stay tuned.  Stay right here. We’ll be right back. I am Josh Felber. You’re watching  Making Bank.

Welcome back. You’re watching Making Bank with Josh  Felber. I’m so excited today. We have an awesome guest with us. His name is  Dave Asprey. He’s the founder of the Bulletproof Executive, is a Silicon  Valley investor and technology entrepreneur who has spent two decades and  over $300,000 to hack his own biology. Dave lost over 100 pounds without  counting calories or excessive exercise using techniques to upgrade his brain  by more than 20 IQ points, and lowered his biological age while learning to  sleep more efficiently in less time. Learning to do these seemingly  impossible things transformed him into a better entrepreneur, a better  husband, and father.

Dave is the creator of the widely popular Bulletproof  Coffee, host of the number one health podcast, Bulletproof Radio, and author  of the New York Times best-selling book, The Bulletproof Diet. Through his  work, Dave provides information, techniques, and keys to taking control of  and improving your biochemistry, your body, and your mind so they work in  unison, helping you execute at levels far beyond what you would expect  without burning out, getting sick, or allowing stress to control your  decisions. Dave just recently launched his newest venture, the first  Bulletproof coffee shop opened in Santa Monica, California. His Bulletproof  Films company did release the first documentary film,, about a  month ago. Dave, welcome to Making Bank.

Dave: Thank you so much. I’m really happy to be on your show.

Josh: Awesome. Give me a little bit of background. You’ve  hacked your biology. You’re a successful technological entrepreneur. What initially  first got you started to become an entrepreneur? Was it when you were a kid,  later in life?

Dave: I wanted to be an entrepreneur since I was a little kid.  I remember I was about 12, and then … I’m kind of old. I’m 42. This was  back before most people could spell VC. They were an unknown thing in Silicon  Valley. I read about them, probably in Inc. Magazine. How many 12-year-olds  read Inc. anyway? Anyway, I read this and was like, “That sounds like  the most fun job ever!” You’re 12. What do you know? Fast forward 30  years and I’ve actually worked as an entrepreneur in residence on Sand Hill  Road for a venture capital firm and, actually, they’re some of my investors  in Bulletproof. It’s a funny thing. It’s come full circle.

Josh: Awesome. What first got you thinking, “Okay, I want  to start learning how I can perform better, how I can lower my biological  age, or increase my overall competency and memory and focus and clarity and  everything”?

Dave: Well, for almost 20 years I worked for Silicon Valley  companies as an entrepreneur in the technology space. I’m the first guy to  sell anything over the internet, so the first example of anything in  eCommerce was a caffeine t-shirt. It said, “Caffeine, my drug of  choice.” I sold that in my dorm room before the web browser was  invented. It’s pretty well documented. There’s some debate whether a bottle  of wine was the first thing sold over the internet, but if I wasn’t the first  guy, I was the second guy.

Josh: Right there in line.

Dave: Right. That’s just the sort of thing I’ve always done.  It’s always been about what’s the innovative way you go about starting  companies. In order to be an entrepreneur … The company that created modern  cloud computing, Google’s first servers, yeah, I was a founder of the  consulting group of that company that grew to the hundreds of people in the  company. We did $1.2 billion in revenue before we went bankrupt when the dot  coms went down.

I didn’t found that company, but I founded a major  business unit within the company. That’s what I do. The problem is, to do  that you need to be able to bring it when you need to bring it. You have a  meeting late at night and you need to get on a plane. You need to fly  somewhere. You want to have that creative energy. You want to have emotional  stability. The problem is, I weighed 300 pounds when I finished my first four  years of school. I don’t know, if you look at me on video, I’m not exactly a  300 pound anymore.

Josh: Not anymore, no.

Dave: I was getting brain fog. I actually bought disability  insurance in my mid-20s because I’m like, “I don’t know if I can keep  doing what I do. I love being an entrepreneur, but there’s times when I have  a meeting. I don’t really remember what happened in here. I can’t pay  attention no matter what I do.” I was like, “All right, I’m an  engineer. I’m a hacker, so if my brain isn’t working, what’s the logical  thing you should do?” Well, back in the ’90s no one knew about it, but  there were smart drugs, so I learned everything I could about them and I  ordered $500 worth of smart drugs from Europe and I started taking them.

I’m like, “Wow, my brain works a little  better.” I ended up becoming the first member then president and a board  member or chairman of this group called the Silicon Valley Health Institute,  which anti-aging research group that’s been around for 20 years, about four  minutes from Google’s headquarters. What we do there is we basically sit down  once a month with a major researcher, a major academic person, or an author  into human performance and nutrition, mostly around aging.

Most of the members are older, but it’s great because if  you want to reverse aging in an old person, what if you just prevented it in  a young person? I had all these problems. I was 300 pounds, my brain wasn’t  working, I had arthritis, I had Lyme disease, I was exposed to toxic mold.  [inaudible 00:14:07] was trash. A lot of entrepreneurs do this. It gets all  about the game instead of all about taking care of your meat. I started  getting into this because I was basically old when I was young, so I decided  I should figure this stuff out.

Josh: Cool. As you mentioned, as entrepreneurs, that’s one of  the things. You get so focused on running your business, operating your  business, trying to make it a success. Especially if you’re in Silicon  Valley, it’s so competitive and there’s so many … You got to produce  results, and you forget about yourself. I think that’s one of the first  things, as entrepreneurs, you really have to take a look at, like you did.  How can we make ourselves perform better?

How can we make sure our stress levels are low, we’re  getting the sleep that we need to get, and still be able to perform and  operate at the level that we need to become successful? That’s really cool.  I’m excited. We got to cut to a break here in a minute, but I’d love to, when  we get back, find out some of those really cool steps that you’ve taken to  lower your weight, to make your brain so you’re able to concentrate better.  Even the less sleep and more efficient, that’s an awesome one. I’m working on  that one right now. Real quick, maybe a quick idea you can leave our  listeners with real fast before we go to break.

Dave: A quick idea for how to do that sort of thing?

Josh: Yeah. How do we make our brain feel better?

Dave: First of all, you’ve got to eat more of the right kinds  of fat.

Josh: Awesome. Okay, eating the right kinds of fats. I know we  had this show before with JJ and that’s what she really talked about, is  making sure we’re getting the right kind of fats and really getting your  health and nutrition dialed in. In a minute we’ll be right back with Dave  Asprey. I am Josh Felber, and you’re watching Making Bank. Welcome back. I am  Josh Felber, and you’re watching Making Bank. We are here today with Dave  Asprey, super technology entrepreneur, biohacker, and we’re learning all the  cool things that we can do to help perform better, to operate better as  entrepreneurs, to get more sleep more efficiently. Dave, welcome back.

Dave: Thanks, Josh.

Josh: You were just telling us a little bit about your  background, what you were doing, and some of the different areas that you’ve  been hacking to improve yourself through memory and focus, through  concentration. Losing weight, you were mentioning that you’ve lost over 100  pounds. You’re down from 300. You’re looking great and trim. Maybe give us  some secrets on what you did compared to what the average society is doing  right now.

Dave: I did what you’re supposed to do. I applied my  willpower, and entrepreneurs tend to have willpower. I worked out six days a  week an hour and a half a day, half weights, half cardio. I cut my calories  to around 1800 a day, sometimes a little bit less, and I cut my fat. I got  stronger than all my thin friends. I was tired and cranky all the time. I was  cold a lot of the time, and I was still fat. They ate twice what I ate. Life  sucks that way. You actually get tired. You break your thyroid, and it just  doesn’t work. It’s possible to induce a famine and tell your body there’s a  tiger chasing you and to lose weight for a short period of time, and then to  gain it back. I did that many times. Lose 20, gain 30. Lose 30, gain 40.

Josh: The yo-yo diet.

Dave: Any obese person will tell you this. What I ended up  doing was I wrote down what really worked in The Bulletproof Diet and I  launched that about a year ago. It hit the New York Times best-seller list.  100,000 copies have been sold. This is some radical stuff. For instance,  eating a lot of the right kinds of fat, like 50, 70% of your calories from  this fat, completely changes what you can do. Here’s the thing: If you’re an  entrepreneur, you have a high-performance brain. You need energy in the  brain. I’m eating calories. This idea that you’re going to eat less calories,  which means you have less energy.

How are you going to kick ass all day? Oh, yeah. That’s  what marathoners do, right? They don’t eat anything before they run. It  doesn’t make any sense. Here’s what high-performance machines do. You buy a  Ferrari. You better be willing to find a local gas station with 109 octane  gas. The stuff you put in your normal car is 93 if you’re lucky. You use 89  depending on where you live. What this means is that there’s more energy per  unit of fuel in the tank.

There’s more calories per gram of fat than there is  calories per gram of sugar, so if you are a high performance machine and you  want to extract maximum energy to fuel your day, would you want to put in the  sugar that doesn’t have enough energy in it, or would you want to put in the  fat that’s full of energy? Well, you might make an argument that having some  of that fat’s a good idea. You would want to look at the whole system of the  human and see what it does. That’s why corn oil, canola oil, soybean oil,  vegetable oil, things like that, sorry. Those are not appropriate sources of  fuel for people because they cause inflammation.

What emerged from all of this research, and there’s  quite a lot of it, is this thing called the Bulletproof Diet Roadmap. You can  get this for free on the Bulletproof website. It looks like this. It’s one  page. We’ll send it to you on the website too, or you can just download it  and print it yourself. It’s everything you need to know, and this thing tells  you there’s three categories of food. There’s food that we call bulletproof.  This is stuff that makes you feel good. It’s full of energy.

It doesn’t have things in it that make you weak, and  it’s got all the good stuff. These are things like grass-fed butter; quality  meat, not from organic animals, but from grass-fed animals. What the animal  ate matters really, really greatly. You want organic and grass-fed if you can  find it. It’s just rare. Things like lots and lots of vegetables, and then  not eating sugar, not eating milk protein and things like that. Those are  things that cause problems. There’s a layer of suspect foods on there.  Suspect foods, they make many people weak. Different foods make different  people weak.

Here’s the deal: You have no idea which foods suck your  energy, give you food cravings, make you tired, make you cranky, so just stop  all the foods that might do that. There’s different categories. You just  eliminate the suspect foods for a week or two. You eat these foods that leave  you full and happy. You’re basically having a plate of vegetables soaked in  guacamole or butter with a moderate-size piece of high-quality protein on  top. Trust me; you’ll be full. That soaked in butter thing, it makes the  vegetables actually taste good.

Then you’re just not hungry. You don’t have a craving  after the meal because you actually got enough energy and your body’s like,  “Thank God. My brain can finally do what it was supposed to do.“  You do this for a couple weeks and then you realize, “Okay, I’ve  eliminated some suspects.” When you add them back in, you eat them, and  you feel crappy, you’re like, “Oh, I used to feel like that all the  time. I don’t think I’ll eat that anymore. Then there’s a layer of kryptonite  foods. Seriously, just don’t eat that.

You’re a person who has a computer. You live in the  first world, so you don’t need to go out and eat essentially poverty-level  stuff that’s better than dying of starvation. Really, it’s not what powerful  people ought to be putting in their bodies, especially if they want to live a  long time. You eliminate the crap, get rid of the suspects that are guilty  for you, and then you eat a lot of the bulletproof stuff. What most people  end up with is a plate covered in vegetables with lots of fat and a moderate  amount of super high-quality wild caught seafood, some pasture eggs, stuff  like that. Not too much protein.

Then there’s also timing things. You can do Bulletproof  coffee in the morning. Only fat, or maybe fat and protein in the morning.  Never carbs in the morning. If you want to make yourself weak, have a fruit  smoothie in the morning and tell yourself it’s healthy and then be extremely  hungry at 10 am. Have the bagel in the office sitting right in front of you  and go, “Oh, there’s a bagel,” and then you have this inner  dialogue, which just kills entrepreneurs.

It goes like this. Your body says, “Eat the bagel.  I’m starving. You gave me some fruit for breakfast. What in the world were  you thinking?” Then you’re like, “Well fruit’s good.” You do  this. Pretty soon, this inner dialogue goes, “Eat the bagel.”  “No.“ “Eat the bagel.” “No.” Eventually, you  say “No” like 50,000 times to your body until you’re like,  “I’ll just have half.“ At that point, you’ve depleted your  willpower, that willpower you could’ve used to drive your company to do  something meaningful.

You wasted it on a bagel because you didn’t eat the  right breakfast. This is what’s in the Bulletproof Diet, that exact  description of what’s happening in your head, since willpower is so important  for us, where it’s a precious resource, and how dare you do something that  causes a food craving? You sit there and waste your food power denying your  body the fuel that it wants anyway. Just eat the right stuff already.  Bulletproof coffee’s a great way to start the day. That’s what I do.

Josh: Tell us a little bit more about the whole Bulletproof  concept with the coffee and the butter and everything. I know we got, a lot  of entrepreneurs, you drink coffee, so if we can give them a cool tip that  way.

Dave: Oh, yeah. There’s three ingredients in Bulletproof  coffee. It’s a trademarked term, and the first one is there’s coffee beans  that are made without mold toxins. The US has no legal standards for the  amount of mold that is allowed in coffee. Almost the rest of the world does.  China has standards, Japan has standards, Venezuela has standards. Coffee  that’s illegal to serve to Japanese people gets rejected and sent to the US,  where we drink it. I’m not making this up. I’ve got some world coffee  authorities saying this. You can read the laws. Most of the world governments  put these laws in place because one of the toxins that form during coffee  processing is pretty bad for us, but in the US we just didn’t protect  ourselves.

What I do is I test my coffee beans. We have a different  production process for green coffee. We roast it, and then we make these  beans that are lab tested to be very, very low in multiple toxins that form  in coffee. That results in coffee that doesn’t give you the jitter and crash  the way normal coffee often does. You drink a cup, two hours later got to  have another. Two hours later, got to have another. What if you drank a cup  and two hours later you didn’t need another because you felt like yourself  again instead of cratering? That’s what it’s designed for.

You take that brewed coffee. Instead of milk, which  sticks to the antioxidants in coffee; milk takes away the coffee’s goodness;  you put in butter which doesn’t have protein in it, butter from grass-fed  cows. You add something called brain octane oil, which is not coconut oil.  It’s about 18 times stronger than coconut oil and it doesn’t have any flavor.  It’s this clear oil. You put a teaspoon or a tablespoon or two in and this  stuff metabolizes directly to ketones. Your brain can run off sugar, or it  can run off fat. It almost never gets a chance to do both at the same time.  With Bulletproof coffee, you actually get to do both because you’re cheating.  It’s a hack.

You get these ketones, so your brain’s like, “Oh,  funny. My neurons … Actually, my glial cells …” No, the neurons  prefer to have ketones as fuel. They have one fuel source they like, and your  glial cells get the other fuel source, which is glucose. All of a sudden,  you’re like, “I’m firing on all cylinders. I feel great.” You do  this in the morning. You don’t have any hunger. You don’t have any  distractions, and even when lunch comes around, you’re like, “I guess I  could eat, but if I don’t it doesn’t really matter,” because you’re so  satisfied.

It’s got no more or less calories than any other  breakfast. You put in more or less oil depending on your body weight,  depending on how hungry you are, whether you’ve exercised and things like  that. People do this. People have done it for years. I have, and it changes  your whole day. I literally don’t want to eat breakfast. They give me the  free breakfast at the hotel with the $50 buffet. I’m like, “Pff.  Whatever. I brought my butter. I brought my coffee beans. I brought my brain  octane. I’m just going to make it in my room.” It saves me time, and  then I don’t care about food. If you give me your buffet, at 10 am I’ll be  like, “Is that croissant over there?”

Josh: Right. That’s where you see all those pastries that they  put out there. What if you’re one of those people like, “Oh, man. I’m  just not a coffee drinker.” Is there another way to get that same  effect, or do you have to do the coffee?

Dave: I would suggest therapy. There’s something wrong with  you. No. You can do it with dark chocolate, assuming the chocolate is high  quality. Chocolate also has the same toxin that coffee does. It’s a  fermentation byproduct that comes from basically things that are supposed to  be in the soil growing on your food. People do it with chocolate, and people  also do it with tea. They make a cacao tea, which is a clear, dark tea that tastes  like chocolate but isn’t creamy. That’s really a delicious way to do it. If  people don’t want any even slight amounts of caffeine from that, you can do  it with herbal tea as well.

Josh: Awesome. It’s the same process, but we’re just using a  high quality herbal tea or your cacao tea.

Dave: Yeah. The difference, though, is that coffee has  specific substances in it that your brain really likes. Coffee’s really high  in polyphenols, so you’re not really getting exactly the same thing. The  darker, the more vibrantly colored the tea, the more getting these  polyphenols that change the gut bacteria that you have. I would recommend  green tea, not black tea.

Josh: Green tea. Awesome, man. That’s a great pack for our  listeners to start your morning off with some kind of bulletproof coffee or  bulletproof tea with the grass-fed butters and the brain octane oil, which  that’s a little different than the regular MCT oil you’re saying.

Dave: Oh, it is. MCT oil has actually been commoditized. Most  of the MCT you can buy, there’s four kinds but only two of them work. There  are companies out there using the ones that don’t work. They’re putting them  in there because they’re cheap. There’s also a major problem with many of the  suppliers using a Chinese source where there’s a little bit of impurity that  comes. That impurity causes what we call disaster pants. You drink it, you  get a burning in the throat, and then you feel your pants.

The stuff that we’re making is triple distilled in the  US in a non-oxygen atmosphere, and we’ve eliminated like 90% of disaster  pants, which was a really well-known issue in the early days when I started  talking about this. It’s about the quality and it’s about the exact  composition. What we’re selling isn’t MCT oil; it’s a subset of MCT oil that  more quickly does what you want it to do and doesn’t have this downslide of  typical street-grade MCT which is, basically, it’s mislabeled because of a  chemical, a mistake 40 years ago. A chemist thought something was medium when  it was really long.

Josh: That’s good clarification because people see that and  they think, “Oh, okay. Well I’ll just do this because it’s cheaper, or  it’s easier.”

Dave: I’d love to sell just MCT oil because it costs less.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t work as well. There are standards.

Josh: Cool. Awesome. What’s a awesome brain hack, maybe, for  our listeners? They’re like, “Oh, man,” how you eliminated the  whole brain fog and everything for them to really get focused and get that  clarity to perform all day from a mental standpoint.

Dave: Well, if you haven’t tried these cognitive-enhancing  nutrients that are out there, these different formulas, my favorite one, of  course I make it, it’s Unfair Advantage is what it’s called. You’ve got these  power [inaudible 00:29:04]. Talked about the Ferrari. The engine in your  cells is your mitochondria. It makes ATP, and you have six seconds’ worth of  ATP in your body. If you ran out, you’d be dead, so you’re always basically  burning and then recycling. It’s our equivalent of photosynthesis, but we’re  just not using sunshine and CO2. It’s our oxygen and glucose and fat.

We have this thing going on all the time. Unfair  Advantage lets you recycle that fuel much more efficiently. It’s like adding  a supercharger onto the car. It’s able to take its exhaust and then use it to  make more power. It does this for about six hours after you have it. It’s a  neat little ampule. You tear the top off and you just swallow it. That stuff  really, really makes a difference cognitively, and if you take it over time  there are studies that show that the active ingredients in it can actually  help you grow new mitochondria, or more mitochondria. Let’s see. Short term,  better engine performance. Longer term, bigger engine. That’s the whole  bulletproof thing I’m talking about.

Josh: Cool. That’s awesome. I’ve used your GABA wave before,  and for me it worked really well for some great clarity and even sleeping at  night too.

Dave: It’s amazing that you can take something in the morning  that makes you focus all day and go to sleep really deeply at night, but I’m  a big fan of that one too. There’s a lot going on where just these small  tweaks, I just took a capsule. I just took a little ampule of stuff and all  of a sudden the quality of my day was really noticeably different. It’s not  like, oh, I took vitamin C. No one’s ever going to feel vitamin C unless  you’re maybe getting a cold and you took a lot of it and maybe it fixed it,  but you don’t really feel it. You drink Bulletproof coffee, and that was not  what I found in my corner coffee shop. Oh my God. My day is different.

Literally people are like, “Is there speed in my  coffee?” There’s no speed in your coffee. There’s actually probably less  caffeine than the average cup of coffee. It’s not a caffeine issue. We just  gave you the brain octane, which helped you to have more energy in your cells  from a new source and we gave you coffee that had all the good stuff that  coffee normally has but we took out the bad stuff. Same thing with brain  octane. You can eat coconut oil and you’re like, “Oh, that was coconut  oil. It tasted like a pina colada,” but it was only 6%. You might feel  good on coconut oil, but when you get rid of all the stuff that’s less  effective and you have only that really strong stuff, you’re like,  “Whoa, what just happened to me?“ I like every day to be the,  “Whoa, what just happened to me?” kind of day.

Josh: Awesome. I know you have a big conference coming up,  too, in the fall here. It’s a biohacking conference, where we can learn lots of  cool stuff and everything.

Dave: Head on over to to learn more  about that. That is a really meaningful conference. We’re expecting about  1,000 people this year. We’ve got people talking about brain science and  hacking the human body. There’s experts on meditation, and there’s a ton of  entrepreneurs going. The idea there is, what are these little things you can  do that really change your performance as a human being? Your performance is  physical, there’s mental, there’s psychological, and even there’s a spiritual  element to it. Any top-tier entrepreneur is going to tell you there’s a sense  of mission or a sense of purpose.

There’s stuff going on that is very hard to put your  finger on, but you feel a sense of ownership and passion. Those are not  rational. I hate to tell you, entrepreneurs are not rational people. They use  rational thinking, but the rational thing to do is probably not the  entrepreneur. If you understand that some part of what’s motivating you isn’t  the robotic, rational left brain, well then maybe you should train and focus  on intuition and creativity and balance out those things. We’ve got experts  in the room at the Bulletproof conference who are going to be talking about  how to do that so that you can achieve the things you want to do.

Josh: Really cool, man. Well, I really appreciate you being on  the show today. It was awesome to have you. What’s one device that you can’t  live without?

Dave: I really, really like my phone. There’s a reason for  that. I just threw it on the floor over there somewhere, but on my phone I  have an app called Sleep Cycle. Sleep Cycle tracks my sleep. For the last  almost 900 nights I’ve had six hours, or five hours and 59 minutes is  actually what it says today, on average for years. That’s useful, but it also  has something on the screen called Zen Tech Protector. This is a screen  protector that filters out the wavelength of light that turns off melatonin.

You can look at your phone at night before you go to  sleep, and you can actually still go to sleep. There’s other apps like Food  Detective, which is a free app that I make that’ll help you tell which of the  foods on your plate are making you weak. The idea that this is now a  computing platform, and it’s got all kind of sensors and these apps. The two  I just mentioned are Food Detective, or Stress Detective, which is its big  brother, and Sleep Cycle. Those are great apps that are on the phone.

Josh: Cool. Awesome. Well, guys, you guys have heard it here  from Dave Asprey here today how to hack your biological system, how to feel  better in the morning, how to start losing some weight, as well as brain  performance. Get on over. Check out Bulletproof Executive, also the  Bulletproof conference that’s coming up in October. Go learn all the really  cool tips and tricks and meet and connect with some other awesome  entrepreneurs out there. Dave, I really appreciate you being on the show  today.

Dave: Josh, it was my pleasure. Thanks, man.

Josh: Cool. Awesome. Thanks, guys. This is Josh Felber, and  you’re watching Making Bank.