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Getting Celebrity Status with Guest Rob Kosberg: MakingBank S1E45

with Rob Kosberg



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If there’s one thing more valuable than the money in your bank account and a clean bill of health from the doctor, it’s your status.

The status you own in your community and your network is worth its weight in gold.

And the closer you can inch toward the pinnacle of status—celebrity status—the more likely you are to enjoy constantly opening doors.

Celebrity status isn’t a joke, and it isn’t something to be undervalued—it’s a commodity as precious as any other. It is the means through which you assert your brand and position yourself as an expert. And if you can do that effectively, you’ll be in prime position to reel in the high-value clients, and the big dollars that come with them.

So how does a coach, a consultant, or a budding entrepreneur actually assert their brand, and earn that expert, celebrity status?

You guessed it—a best-selling book.

And nobody knows best-selling books better than today’s guest on Making Bank, 2x international best-selling author, Rob Kosberg.

Rob is one of those rare entrepreneurs with the dynamism and tenacity to make his millions in one industry, before radically (and successfully) pivoting to another.

Following decades of success in the real estate game, Rob found himself cutoff at the knees by the crash of 2008. Rather than condemn his professional legacy to a slow and painful death, Rob rebooted with Best Seller Publishing in 2011, a company that helps aspiring authors not only write, but market and distribute their books so they can achieve best-seller status.

Today’s show will not only illustrate the ins and outs of what it takes to not develop and market a best-selling book, it will also highlight how entrepreneurs can learn from the mistakes of others to pave smoother roads towards success.

Listen as Rob shares a slew of powerful insights:

  • How you can create authority with a book
  • What it takes to earn status and get on the map
  • The art of lead generation
  • What it takes to endure a soul-crushing, bankroll reducing economic downturn and come out on the other side with a WIN
  • Why the book is the new business card
  • The 3-reasons everyone who wants to be someone should have a book
  • Why creating a dinky little 30-page eBook isn’t worth your time and effort when compared to creating a proper book

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Hi, I’m Josh Felber and you’re watching Making Bank, where we uncover the success strategies and secrets of the top one percent, so you can amplify and start transforming your business in your life today. Welcome to the show.

I don’t know how many of you actually have heard celebrity status is a currency. If you take a look at whether it’s movie stars, NBA players, NFL players, whoever that may be, people on Facebook that have over a million likes and have fully engaged content, they have access to the best events, they get the news coverage, they get the press. It seems to just come real easy to them, but that’s because of the celebrity status that they’ve created, or that celebrity status that’s been created around them by the public.

What I’m going to talk to you a little bit about today is how do we, one why do you want to become celebrity status. Two, what do you do to get to that celebrity status, and three is do you even want to get there. So for some of you, this may not really apply, this whole first half of the video, but for the majority of you that have something to say, that have something that you want the world to know, then I would definitely take the time to watch this and as well as apply this to your life and what you’re doing.

There are roughly four billion people over the next three to four years that are coming online all over the world, and each one of them is going to have some kind of voice, some kind of message, as well as yourself that you want to be able to get out, that may help somebody change their life. It may help somebody or a family do better in just everything that they’re doing. And so your message is important, but how do you get it out there, how do you become that expert, how do you become that authority that people want to listen to and will take your advice.

One of the biggest things I’ve seen is so many people now they’re trying to become those experts in their field, and they maybe want to be that life expert coach, and a relationship expert coach, but they’re 20, 21 years old. Nothing about the 20 or 21 year old people but you haven’t experienced life yet. You haven’t experienced relationships yet. You may have a portion of your life that you’ve experienced that would then apply to a certain niche or a certain demographic of people, but just as an overall life coach or relationship coach, you’re not going to be the expert in there yet, so find an area that you truly love, that you’re truly passionate about, and that you actually really have expertise in. Maybe it’s sports, maybe you were the best golfer in your high school or in college, and you’ve learned all the ins and outs of golfing and you just want to start shooting videos and putting content out there about how other people can golf better and creating this huge value proposition all around yourself.

For myself, I’ve experienced, I mean I’ve owned 15 companies since I was 14 years old. I’ve had the fortunate ability to be able to interact with people from all areas, whether it’s in the financial field or the green wireless energy, or fitness. From just the normal people that come into one of my locations all the way up to the high-level sports figures or CEOs and other entrepreneurs. So for myself, along the way I’ve gained a lot of knowledge and a lot of experience, and it was fortunate enough that I had the opportunity for myself to be able to co-write several books with top authors that are already out there in their space. With Brian Tracy and Steve Forbes, as well as I had the fortunate opportunity to be able to contribute and be an executive producer on a two-time Emmy Award winning movie that we won on Peter Diamandis, Visioneer.

The really cool thing about all of this is that it’s helped I guess create a celebrity status. I’m still pretty unknown out there, other than my awesome people that follow me here on Making Bank, as well as on my website and social media and everything else, but in the scope of things I’m not known at all, and the books and the movies and the different things that I’ve done have created a sort of celebrity status or currency around what I do. For me that’s allowed me to connect in certain groups, in certain people to learn more and gain more knowledge to be able to contribute to the world and be able to create value for others out there.

There’s a lot different types of celebrity status and people may be using it to further themselves financially and doing you know, just not good things, and then there’s other people that are out there trying to transform and change the world, and use that celebrity status for the good to help you and to help others and help spread love and joy and rid the world of insecurities, my friend Sean Stevens says.

You got to question, “Hey, what do I have”, so I’m asking you what do you have that you feel that you can share with the world. Why would that help you, how would that help you to become a celebrity in your space, to get your message out there. And then what are you going to do about it to start moving yourself forward and taking action to gain access to the right people to move your dreams forward, to help spread your message out there. One of the biggest things I found along the way for myself as I mentioned was one of the books I was able to co-author with Brian Tracy, and just being able to write and share information on how someone can transform their life, their job, whatever they’re doing through fitness. That was a really cool project that I got to work on, and that’s allowed me to be able to, like I said, connect with Brian Tracy, connect with Steve Forbes, connect with just a lot of different people that I’ve been able to interview on Making Bank.

I’m excited because up next I have a great expert in his area, Rob Kosberg. He’s been able to help others create their best selling books. Help create and get their message out there. Something to share with the world and create value. Rob has been in all areas of business as well as been able to create an space as an expert in the best selling book field. Help you write your book and get your book out there. I’m excited up next we have Rob Kosberg, and I hope you stick around so you could help learn and also amplify and transform your life and business today. I am Josh Felber and you’re watching Making Bank. We will be right back.

Josh Felber : I am Josh Felber, welcome to Making Bank. I’m excited today, I have a great friend of mine, Rob Kosberg on with me. Rob is a two-time international best selling author, founder of and has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox News. Rob has spoken and taught thousands of entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants on how to stop hunting for clients and instead position themselves as the hunted using their own best selling book. Through his trademarked publish, promote and profit program, Rob helps his clients to create their own professional best selling book guaranteed, and then he and his team books his clients for media opportunities like TV, radio, blogs, podcasts as well as speaking engagements.

Rob, welcome to Making Bank.

Rob Kosberg: Thanks Josh. That’s a lot of Ps, right buddy?

Josh Felber : That’s right man, the three Ps they said, right? [inaudible 00:09:37] no, I’m excited because I know my wife has worked with you-

Rob Kosberg: Yup.

Josh Felber : … And her book I think got like eight time best selling author, international, US-

Rob Kosberg: Right, internationally.

Josh Felber : All different or categories so I know what Rob’s talking about here definitely works and he and his team work hard and they crush it and get results for you. Rob, let’s dive in man, give us a little bit of background on what got you to where you are today, and I know we talked a little bit offline and you had a company that was just out there crushing it, so give me a little background. Have you always been an entrepreneur since you were a kid, I guess let’s start with that.

Rob Kosberg: Yeah. Well do you want, you know, do you want the fluff or do you want like the dirt?

Josh Felber : Well I like to get in and figure out exactly those real nuts and bolts details that really made things either why they didn’t work or what really made them work so our audience can take it away and get some action today.

Rob Kosberg: Good stuff. You know I think more than anything, I’m very entrepreneurial so from the time I was 18 years old, my dad owned a real estate company, so at 18 I got my real estate license, I then got my broker’s license at 19. I was the youngest real estate broker in the South Florida Board of Realtors at that time, and worked my way through college selling real estate, making, I mean I owned my first house at 18, I owned three homes by the time I was 21 years old, so always kind of entrepreneurial, like always figuring it out, making a lot of money, spending even more. You know the trap that a lot of entrepreneurs find themselves in.

Josh Felber : Yeah, I know, and that’s the case as entrepreneurs, as you kind of bring that money in, I mean do you start spending it and then you have that output, and so I mean I had that same thing happen for sure as well. So tell me about a company, I know you told me you had a company at one point, you were doing over a hundred million in annual revenue, what did the company do and what were you guys up to?

Rob Kosberg: Yeah, I owned three real estate companies, well three companies in the real estate industry, so I owned a mortgage company, a real estate company and also a license title company, and we were doing between a hundred, a hundred and fifty million in transactions, but revenue, you know I mean it was for me it was two to three million bucks a year in personal income, and you know obviously, all the trappings of that. You know, all the you know, big house and private school and equestrian stuff, and fast cars and motorcycles and all that. Of course I didn’t know that there was like this once in a generation recession/depression coming, right in 2008, so it was just crushing, devastating in fact. You know those businesses which peaked in 2006, 2007, by 2008 I closed the doors to them.

I mean I laid off dozens of people, you know, just partnerships destroyed, I mean it was really, really, as you might imagine pretty crushing and devastating, because I’ve been in real estate for so long, right, it’s like what I knew. It’s what I was known for, but man I was, I had an aversion to real estate after that. I was like, I don’t want anything to do with real estate. That’s crazy but it’s true.

Josh Felber : Yeah, I could definitely see that, I mean you were doing it so long and you had so much going at, especially at the peak, you said 2006 and seven, you know, when everybody was getting mortgages and it was just, business was awesome, and when 2008 and that whole crash happened in the real estate market, the recession everything, I mean what really were you made that decision, “Hey I’m just going to shut it down [inaudible 00:13:38] and hey we’re going to try to keep this going and push through.”

Rob Kosberg: You know I wish I would’ve shut down earlier. One of the problems with having money, and I’m reading Damon John’s new book The Power of Broke, which is kind of a cool book, but one of the problems with having money is that oftentimes you throw good money after bad. I was, the kind of market I was in, I was in South Florida at the time, I live in Southern California now, but in South Florida we worked in the luxury real estate market, so I wasn’t, you know, we weren’t doing sub-prime stuff, we were doing luxury real estate, but that market completely seized up and for almost two years. In fact, when it did finally get going again, most of the transactions were cash because real estate had fallen so much in value, so we threw tons and tons of cash in the machine to keep it going, but it was diminishing returns. I mean the market just never got going again, and by the time I’d thrown all this cash back in, I just realized, “You know, I don’t want to be in real estate anymore.”

I just don’t, and it wasn’t because of the crash, I think the crash just kind of woke me up. There wasn’t anything about real estate that I loved. The only thing I loved about real estate was the financial reward. It wasn’t like I was changing lives and I mean it’s cool, there’s nothing wrong with it, I love realtors and you know, but the reality is for me, I didn’t feel like it was where I was supposed to be in life.

Josh Felber : Sure, and you know, that’s a lot of times that we have that is we have that wake up call and it’s either a huge and devastating and because sometimes little bumps or pushes don’t actually wake us up with that. When it happened, what did you think, you know, where am I going to go, did you kind of have a plan from that point? Were you just kind of lost and …

Rob Kosberg: Oh man, well you know what, at the time I was 43 years old, so don’t do the math, that’s impolite, 2008, and so I got three kids, at that time I was married for, gosh I don’t know, 19, 18, 19 years, and three kids in private school and all these expenses so I knew I needed to make money but I just knew that I didn’t want to be in real estate anymore, so I really did not have a plan, but fortunately I was in some groups, you know, mastermind groups with guys that had been through stuff like this in the past, and it was suggested to me at that time, 2007, 2008 that I write a book in an entirely new industry. That’s how I got involved in what I’m doing. So I wrote a book and started a financial services company.

Now little did I know that I wouldn’t stay in financial services but I got out of financial services on the good end, not on the bad end. I sold it, made some money, but I wrote a book, a financial services book that did really well. I made a lot of mistakes because I didn’t know anything, and there weren’t programs like mine. At least I didn’t know of any programs like mine that existed at the time, and so I made all these mistakes, I spent a lot of money, but like it worked and my business exploded, I ended up getting a radio show, I did four hours of live radio a week as a financial expert, and all of that came from my best selling book and so it opened up all these worlds to me of speaking, and TV and radio, and I started generating hundreds of leads a week and built-

Josh Felber : Rob, can you hang on one second?

Rob Kosberg: Yup.

Josh Felber : We just got to take a quick break, can you stick around?

Rob Kosberg: Yeah, of course man.

Josh Felber : Awesome. I am Josh Felber, you’re watching Making Bank, and we’ll be right back.

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Josh Felber : Welcome back, you’re watching Making Bank. I am Josh Felber. We’re speaking with Rob Kosberg who was telling us a little bit about his company that he had to shut down due to the market failures and the crash, even after he kept pushing money into it time after time after time, and sometimes that’s the … You have to know when to cut that quits is, is like he mentioned is, you keep throwing that good money after bad, and I’ve been in there in that same position, I’ve doing that for the last year and a half with my crossfit gyms and it was time to just cut them loose and turn them over to somebody that can focus on it and rebuild it and everything, and so you know, great lesson learned there and now Rob’s diving in a little bit about how he became a best selling author and how that transitioned into what he’s doing today to help people like you out there, so Rob, welcome back to Making Bank.

Rob Kosberg: Thanks Josh, good to be here buddy.

Josh Felber : Okay, so you said to you got a bestseller, you’re a best selling author, financial services business, and that helped you position your business to sell them.

Rob Kosberg: Yeah, which I didn’t know, I mean that wasn’t the plan like going in, but you know, 2008, 2009 economy still rugged, right, I mean it was still very challenging. It’s not like it had recovered, and for some industries it still hasn’t recovered. But the book opened up amazing opportunities for me, and we went from a brand new business where I was completely unknown. I had no list, no following, no [authoriting 00:20:02] and the book put me on the map and in the first year we did over a million dollars in income in a terrible economy, and the book went on to help me as I mentioned, have a long-running radio show in South Florida, really kind of get on the map for financial services, and the business went on to do multi-millions, but I found myself at least in a positive sense, I found myself in a kind of a similar position like I didn’t love the financial services business, and when you get in your late 40s and you’re at the point where you’ve made a lot of money, you’ve done a lot of things, it’s kind of like, “Well what do I really want to do?”

I started having people come to me, asking me, “Hey how did you do, how did you get your business going?” Because we dealt with a lot of business people, “Could you help me generate leads?” This was back in 2010. I just said, “Well I did it with a book and if I did it then you can probably do it too.” So I started helping people just trying to figure it out with them based on all the mistakes that I had made, not replicating those mistakes or doing it differently. Gosh, you know after doing that for a year or 18 months, I just fell in love with it, I’m like, I love this, I love the people that I’m working with, I love the, you know helping them to really transform their business, and so I just sold my financial services company couple of years ago. I still kept it running and I still did a lot of the marketing for it, but I started Best Seller Publishing at that time in 2011 and it’s exploded since.

Josh Felber : That’s awesome, and I don’t know if it was you or somebody was telling me, that the book is kind of that new business card. You know business cards are dead, and if you don’t have a book I mean that’s going to change you, help position you from a credibility standpoint, from a exposure standpoint, as well as I guess a celebrity standpoint you could say.

Rob Kosberg: Yeah. Yeah, sometimes I cringe when I hear that, so I wasn’t the one that said that to you but I totally get the understanding, I totally get the idea, and the only reason I say that I cringe is because it’s so much more than that, you know it’s like, obviously if you create a little 30 page ebook or it’s just a digital version, then sure that’s like a business card, but if you just invest a little bit more time and resources into it and you create something that’s a hundred and fifty pages, which is about the sweet spot, and you do it professionally, and it’s a physical book as well as a digital book, and you market it, then like, I mean you can get, I mean my clients have been in the New York Times, Entrepreneur Magazine, Success Magazine, every TV and radio statin around the country. They’ve gotten speaking engagements in front of 20,000 people when they had never done anything like that. They’ve gotten TED talks because of their best selling books.

It’s like so much more than that. You know, if you just kind of embrace it, and that’s what it was for me, and for a lot of my people.

Josh Felber : I can see you got the passion, just you talking about it and everything. You know, it excites you I know multiple times.

Rob Kosberg: We all love our stuff, right?

Josh Felber : That’s right.

Rob Kosberg: I get it.

Josh Felber : Now is that really [crosstalk 00:23:30]

Rob Kosberg: Someone’s listening to this going, “Oh man.”

Josh Felber : Maybe tell us, what are, maybe three key points why somebody should have a book out there. I know you said okay cool you have a business card, but I mean, what are three key points maybe, or what do you tell someone that’s talking to you why they should or why they need a book?

Rob Kosberg: You know I don’t say this, but this is the fact, celebrity today is currency.

Josh Felber : Sure.

Rob Kosberg: I mean you have your show here, right, you’re creating following and people are interested in what you’re doing, and so there’s so many different ways to create authority via celebrity. What your book does is, in whatever niche you are an expert in, your book creates that celebrity authority, and it attracts people to you because people always want to work with the best. When you literally wrote the book on it, right? Like one of my new client’s books came in, and he’s a corporate branding expert, he’s been around for a long, long time, great, great guy Jim Gregory but I just picked up his book because it’s on my desk.

When you literally wrote the book on it, and you know there are plenty of other competitors that we all have in out industries, but when you wrote the book on it and you’ve been featured on the radio, television, et cetera, it’s like “Why would I go anywhere else?” And you’ll command top fees for your services because of the amount of leads that you generate and opportunities. It creates that brand, that authority.

Josh Felber : Okay, and so, I know there’s … So say there’s some answers, cool, they want to become that branded expert and they can definitely see that path. What if you have that person that are just “Hey, I just have something really cool, something my story I really want to get out there.” What would you tell them, would that be something you say, “Hey a book is right for you.” Or “Ehh, why don’t you take a, not do that.”

Rob Kosberg: You know it depends on what their goal and purpose is, right? Like one of my clients is a former US Ambassador to South Africa. He worked with Nelson Mandela, he worked with the Clintons. He was also the CEO of National Public Radio, NPR. So he’s a significant dude, and he’s in his 70s now. He had been wanting to write an autobiography, memoir for a long, long, long, long time and he just couldn’t do it. Now he also wants to do some various speaking engagements and things like that, but you know for a guy like that, he’s not looking to grow another multi-million dollar business. He’s done all that so walking in the front door knowing that his goal is to have a great memoir, something that he can use to speak on college campuses and the youth, we can kind of go down that path.

But if someone wants to write a memoir and they want to use that to grow a business, that’s not always a congruent fit. Because a business owner, let’s say someone’s looking for a criminal defense attorney, they may not want to read the autobiography of a criminal defense attorney to choose him as a representative. What they want is they want information about how this person can help them.

Josh Felber : Sure, okay, that makes sense.

Rob Kosberg: What we do is we figure out the goal in the front end, and then we fit that based on what their desire is. So if they want to tell their story, their story is really valuable. But it’s valuable only with what their end goal is in mind.

Josh Felber : Okay.

Rob Kosberg: If it’s to attract clients, then we fit the story in to attract clients. Does that make sense?

Josh Felber : Yeah, no it definitely makes sense. All the people that are coming in to you and everything, I know you’ve worked with, I mean, anybody that you know, NFL players to sports, either sports figures.

Rob Kosberg: Pro-golfers, yeah.

Josh Felber : I mean who else are some of the other type of clients that you’ve worked with from that standpoint?

Rob Kosberg: Yeah, I mean good question. It’s … You know I always say from US Ambassadors to accountants. I mean we’ve done books for professional athletes, and we’re just finishing a book for the number one stunt woman in Hollywood, she’s Scarlett Johansson’s stunt double. We’ve done books for financial advisers, criminal defense attorneys, dentists, doctors, chiropractors. Anybody that wants to be a speaker and just about any type of coach or consultant you can think of, so literally dozens and dozens of industries. We do focus in nonfiction. We’ve done a little bit of fiction here and there, but our goal is nonfiction, expert industry, people that want to use the book to create that authority.

Josh Felber : Okay, awesome, and then the next question is do you have to be a writer?

Rob Kosberg: Yeah, well if you had to be a writer then I would be in the wrong business, let me tell you. I tell people that people that have known me like for all my life, and they know what I do now and they’re like, “You? You barely got out your Political Science class in college.” So no, you don’t have to be a writer, in fact that’s one of the fallacies, you know we have seven ghost writers on staff here, and basically we have a program, we call it hybrid ghost writing, but basic the way it works is someone can speak their book but not like an interview process because that doesn’t work. A lot of traditional ghost writers do it that way, and honestly doesn’t work that well because you lose the voice of the author. But you can have a team that can help you to do it even if you’re not a writer, so you don’t have to be a writer yourself to get this done.

Josh Felber : Okay, so then you take them through a process of talking to one of your writers or somebody, then to get the story out, and then they-

Rob Kosberg: Yeah, totally. The first part is what we call building a foundation, and the foundation is all about, we have them fill out a number of forms that are deep dive surveys into their goals, who they serve, what are their fears, frustrations, wants and aspirations, their ideal client. And then we actually help them create the title, the subtitle, the table of contents, and with our team formulate all that stuff. So when they start with one of our writers, that’s like all done. Basically they don’t have to … Like when I wrote my book, I had to figure out all of this stuff myself, and it took me 18 months to do it, and it’s not a big book. You know what I mean, because it was so like, what do you do next, it’s like. So we ease the pain of all that stuff.

Josh Felber : Cool. That’s awesome because I know that’s some of the biggest hang ups a lot of times is, “Man I got all this cool information, I’m an expert, but I’m just like a horrible writer in school and I just don’t know how to get it all and make it all sound cool to keep people wanting to read it”, and that kind of eases that pain, like you said to give them the quick in to connect with you guys.

For you guys, what’s a normal timeframe? I know you said it took you 18 months to write a book, but what is that timeframe when somebody comes and starts working with you?

Rob Kosberg: Yeah that’s not normal, that was me. The process you know, you talked about publish, promote, profit.

Josh Felber : Right.

Rob Kosberg: Publish is the writing of the book, and that’s building the foundation. Title, subtitle, all of that stuff, all the way to completion of the book. That takes about five to six months, and what we require of the author is basically one appointment a week with the ghost writer, for a period of about two to three months. If they can do more than one appointment a week, then they can knock it out faster. But all we’re looking for is about an hour a week for a 12-week period. And then we do everything else in that process, so average five to six months, some shorter, some longer of course.

Josh Felber : Sure, and then once you guys have it all done and completed, then that’s when you go into the promote part of it?

Rob Kosberg: That’s exactly right, yeah.

Josh Felber : Okay.

Rob Kosberg: Most people don’t know, the average book sells 200 copies in its lifetime, and most of those are to the author. So imagine bleeding onto pages to write your book, and then in its life, 200 people buy it. It would be like, that’s like sticking needles in my face. So you have to have a marketing plan, otherwise it’s not one of those if you build it they will come things. I mean you have to market it, so the promote piece is, again it’s all, what we do it’s all done for you, and so we do everything from the cover and titling which is important and formatting of the book, and publishing, but then the actual marketing of the book to our client’s category and genre, paid advertising, massive social media, press releases, all those things to drive traffic and make sales and get downloads.

Josh Felber : Awesome, and then from there, obviously it sounds like the profit part is not in the book sales, but what comes from the book sales.

Rob Kosberg: Yeah, totally. I always tell people that. I mean now my first book has sold, I don’t know, 35 or 40,000 copies so I’ve made a little bit of money on it. Certainly it paid for itself many times over, but that’s no reason to write a book, hoping that you’re going to make 20, 30, 40,000. I mean you can make millions with it in lead generation, so we focus on three things in profit, we focus on speaking engagements, publicity, I have two full-time publicists in my office right over across the hall. All they do is book our clients, you know that because Trina’s worked with them, they book our clients for TV, radio, all that kind of thing. And then lead generation, you know, actually using the book to generate leads for your business.

Josh Felber : Okay. Awesome. That’s really cool because I think the more and more people differentiate and separate themselves from all the competition, everybody that’s out in the marketplace, I mean this is a simple done for you solution that’ll give them, get them the book, give them the exposure as well as then create that building for them, like you said to generate leads and also build their business in the long run.

Rob Kosberg: Totally, yeah yeah.

Josh Felber : Awesome man, well where can people go find out about what you have going on?

Rob Kosberg: Yeah, probably best place is our website, There are a lot of free resources there plus some case studies and things like that, for people to, if they want to figure out some of the stuff on their own, they can learn some stuff on the website on how we’ve done it. If they want to contact us and have like a one on one session, then we’re happy to do that too.

Josh Felber : Cool, awesome, well Rob I really appreciate you coming on Making Bank today.

Rob Kosberg: Great to be on with you my friend.

Josh Felber : For sure. All right, I am Josh Felber, you’re watching Making Bank, and get out and be extraordinary!