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How to Overcome Mental Obstacles to Success

with John Assaraf



with guest John Assaraf #MakingBank S4E16

Emotional competence is vital for an extraordinary success. However, people are not naturally gifted with the lack of fear to deal with the status quo. Fear hinders you from becoming who you are.

The good news is that you can deactivate the fear response through proven mental strategies. In this article, you will learn the different ways to disrupt fear and become permanently motivated to succeed.

Set clearer goals

To be successful you need a purpose you will. Setting goals provide the motivation and unwavering belief for you to finally commit to success. You goals can be small or big, or short term or long term. When you are clear about why you are investing your time and money, there is no room for slothfulness.

The goal setting process can be tricky. But you can start by writing your goals one by one. Then you can refine them as you go through your notes. Categorize your goals according to the timeline needed to achieve them and break them down big goals to make them more specific.

Having more several mini-goals makes each of them easier to achieve instead of making huge goals that are vague and hard to achieve.

Review your goals

Monitoring your goal is crucial to achieving success. Reviewing goals at least once a day allows you to mindlessly pivot towards them to make them realities. Goals that take longer to achieve even require more attention than shorter ones. Goals are established based on your current situation. Apparently, there are also goals that are no longer relevant for the time-being.

So make it a habit to review your goal every day or every week. Recall the steps and plan an implementation strategy necessary to achieve them. When start accomplishing minor tasks, greater progress follows. Then you earn self-respect, increase personal value, and deter the possibility of losing desire.

In case your situation changes, keeping track of your goals will let you know which one to prioritize. It reminds yourself about why you’re still trying to work hard and helps you keep up the momentum.

Use your imagination

Your brain is a powerful tool and imagination is a wonderful thing that your brain can do. Imagination gives you the power to think outside the box. However, an active imagination may also do you harm if you use to think negatively.

Instead of letting it magnify your fears, you can use your imagination to draw your goals and design strategies to achieve them. How do you do that? Pick a calm moment. Then try to relax and close your eyes. Imagine yourself five or ten years from now. Ask yourself critical questions like: Where do you see yourself? Say you want to build a business, what kind of business you want to build? How much money do you intent to have in your savings deposit?

You can actually use your imagination to guide you. The peace you imagine can also help you get through the difficulties you are experiencing.

Commit to success

It is easy to be passionate when you’re just starting out. However, successful entrepreneurs are able to keep their energy level high amidst difficult situations.

To do that, you must draw a line between being committed and merely interested. When you’re interested, you will only do what is convenient to reach your goals. And when things become difficult to achieve, you will come up with stories and excuses not to reach it. However, when you are committed, you will learn to do whatever it takes. You will upgrade your knowledge, self-esteem, skills, and abilities.

Committing yourself to do your job and acknowledging your role will get you much closer t o your success. It is very important to take things seriously and avoid practices that weaken your own emotional reserves. Stay focus on your commitment and never allow giving up as a resort.

Manage your fears

Fear is a disempowering emotion that can cause disempowering behavior. So even if you have goals but you let fear consume you, there is no way you’re reaching that goal. You need to take the emotion out of fear and fuel it into positive behavior.

When you’re in a mental state of fear, you need to calm the circuits in your brain by taking six deep breaths in through your nose and then out through your mouth. Breathing deactivates the fear center and reactivates the motivation center in your brain. When that part of your brain is working, you’ll constantly feel more motivated than you are when you are in a state of fear or anxiety.

Take one step at a time

Don’t rush into doing 10 things all at once. Taking one step at a time helps you disrupt the pattern of falling into the vicious cycle of self-doubt and procrastination. This way you are allowing yourself to stay away from stress and letting fear response rest.

When you force yourself to do a massive action, your stress center reactivates resulting into fear and lack of motivation. But when you start doing your goal little by little, you feel in control of your environment. Then you can add more steps along the way but now puts you more safely in control instead of being a victim of disempowering emotion.

Turn doubt into motivation

When you doubt yourself, you are pushing yourself to the very edges of your comfort zone. Doubt fuels negative emotion. It can grow ostensibly pulling you farther from your goals.

When you allow doubt to cast shadows to your direction, you will never reach your destination. Instead of allowing doubt to win over you, desensitize yourself through rehearsals. Start working on smaller things. Take small victories and own up to it.

If you fail, then try again. A lot of great entrepreneurs have pushed past doubts. They take what already existed and made it even better. You can be more radical enough to reprogram your brain to rise above your self-doubt and reach your maximum potential.