Copy The Success Secrets Of A HABITUAL Entrepreneur

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Success Habits And Why You Need Them

with Jess Todtfeld



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In this episode, Josh teaches you about success habits and why it’s important for you to practice them daily. Everyone is controlled by daily rituals or daily habits, whether they’re good or bad. We’ll look at how Michael Jordan had daily routines and habits that made him one the best basketball players of all time.  Josh sits with Jess Todtfeld — who holds the Guinness World Record for most interviews in 24 hours —to discuss his accomplishments and the skills you need to better your public speaking.  Jess discusses the importance of not giving in and making it a habit to practice every day at your craft.  Josh and Jeff provide you with all the information you need to increase your public appearance and video presence.  Listen in to help you dispose of those bad habits and replace them with the self-improving ones discussed in this episode.


Welcome I am Josh Felber, host of the Making Bank Show, excited to be here today. Success habits. Daily success habits are going to either drive you towards bad or drive you towards good.

Everyone is controlled by daily rituals or daily habits, whether they’re good or bad. When I get up every day, and my kids can attest to this they do the same thing as well. I have two boys that are four, my daughter’s six. We get up and we have a daily ritual. For them, my kids get up, they drink water to get the body moving, they do Burpees, so they jumped down on the ground and they jumped up ten to fifteen different times as well as sit and just really get focused and just take a few minutes of quiet time. That helps them get moving forward.

Our morning rituals or our morning daily ritual habits are what’s going to help set us up and then propel us towards success. For you, I want to challenge, or encourage, or empower you to do is find out what those are for you. Maybe it’s waking up early, taking a cold ice bath. I know Tony Robbins, he gets up in the morning and he jumps in the negative chamber and freezes himself for three minutes and then he jumps in the hot tub and that just invigorates him. For myself, it’s getting up in the morning, it’s getting up early, it’s writing down what my focuses are for the day. I write down what I want to accomplish that day, my top five focal points of tasks that need to be done today as well as hydrating my body, getting my body moving, whether it’s doing Burpees with the kids, whether it’s just stretching and then just getting focused overall.

For me, those are my morning daily ritual habits. One of the things that we want to look at is putting ourselves in the right state, getting our minds in the right state in the morning, to start setting up our days to move forward with the different right success habits. For example, Michael Jordan, he’s probably considered one of the best basketball players of all time, he had daily routines, he had daily habits, he would come in to the gym early, he would stay late, he would work on the movements of the plays after watching the videos of other teams, understanding what they did, how they did it. Then he would go out on the court and he would practice. He would instill those movements in his mind, in his body, in his muscle memory until it just became so natural when he went out to play the game. He was actually able start to anticipate what his opponents were going to do because of his daily success habits.
That empowered his body, his mind, and his muscle memory to go forward with that.

You have to take control of your own conditioning. You have to take that responsibility in yourself to start moving forward. That’s going to separate you as a wantrepreneur or an entrepreneur. All the top entrepreneurs, sports figures have daily success habits and daily rituals. A good friend of mine, Hal Elrod, wrote the Seven Miracles of morning in his book. He talks about the daily success habits of those rituals and what got him to the point of be … He was down, having hard times, his business had gone under, and he was in a depression and then he was able to start moving his life forward and changing his life by getting up early, by getting out moving, by focusing on positive empowering things to start changing his life and changing his focus.

One of the top success habits that I want to offer out to you is changing out mindset in that focus, and that alone is going to create such a tremendous positive impact on what you do and where you go in your life. That is going to create the empowerment for you. One of the things is visualization. Visualize what, where you want to be, what you’re doing and where you’re going. That would be step number two is creating that visualization. Then, changing that physiology and that focus on what you actually focus on on the day instead of getting up and watching the negative news, reading your email, focus on you. Focus on the change that you want to make, the focus on where you want your day to go, and then become can grow with that by changing your physiology.
We want to make sure we breathe, we feel and we act, how we’re going to move forward towards success and towards accomplishing that day. That’s a little bit of what those daily success habits look like.

For me, to tell you stories that, when I lost over millions of dollars when the dot com market crashed, I was in that depression for around six months. I used daily success habits to empower myself to come out of that and to carry myself forward. When we get back, we’re going to talk with Jess Todtfeld and find out what his success habits are to move forward. I am Josh Felber on the Whatever it Takes Network, host of the Making Bank show and will be right back.

Jess: Yes, yeah, I’m good.

Josh: Jess Todtfeld helps CEOs, UN officials, celebrities, expert entrepreneurs, communicate for power and results. I want to welcome Jess Todtfeld to the show today. Welcome Jess, we are excited to have you on Making Bank.
Jess: Thank you, excited to be here, looking forward to giving everybody tuning in some good information today. I’m going to help them make bank.
Josh: Awesome, Jess. Give us a little bit of your background, how you got to where you are today in your field of expertise and I guess what got you started in it?

Jess: People know me as a media trainer or presentation trainer, speech coach, that type of a thing. It’s really under that [banner of 00:07:47] communication, but I was a TV producer for thirteen years.

Josh: That’s awesome.

Jess: Yeah, I worked at ABC-NBC Fox, lot of different shows. I was part of the team network with this unknown guy named Bill O’Reilly and they said, it’s a guy with the big mouth, let’s see what happens. He’s still on the air. I did a lot of that. I’ve also been in front of the camera, [venturing 00:08:10] reporting and some hosting. The thing I always loved was really to help shape, help people shape what they’re going to say and give them techniques to grow their business using media, or speaking, or any type of giving proper pitch for more business.

Josh: Awesome

Jess: Yeah, so I’ve been doing that for now, for the last 13 years and I have a good time doing it.

Josh: Great, I’m glad to have you on it, maybe we’ll get some tips from you.

Jess: Sure, of course.

Josh: Build up my speaking abilities even more.

Jess: [Crosstalk 00:08:40], good job.

Josh: You did the most interviews in 24 hours. How did that come about, what is that? Didn’t even know it was a record?

Jess: That’s right. Who knew, who knew. If you’re going to be the best at something. Meaning, being a big name in media, you might as well figure out how to be the best in the world at some area of it. Essentially one of my colleagues basically dared me also, said, “How about give us record when you promote your new book.” I said, “Okay, is there a record, I have no idea.” Next thing you know, instead of just a handful of interviews, for that part it was a 112 in a 24-hour period on different stations on radio, that’s not counting TV or [pren 00:09:28] or other stuff that was going on.
It was good, but it gave me more to thought of really to be able to give clients and be able to help them to really do better job and get more reaction from the audience instead of just speaking in to avoid.

Josh: Did you eat or sleep?

Jess: I ate but there was no sleep.

Josh: No sleeping, yeah.

Jess: No, no, yeah. There were tiny little breaks for bathroom breaks and lots of coffee, but yeah, you got 24 hours, they had special guidelines that will be five minutes long or longer. That was a lot of fun. Now I get to bragging rights forever, I guess. Keeping on their resume that was … The thing that really thought me was instead of just talking, and flapping your lips, I could do that now, that’s the easy part. How can I go out there and do an interview that will help me to sell some more books which drive more business, get more people more focused and that was a perfect testing ground.

Josh: Excellent. That’s one of the things, I think, there are listeners, everyone out there is getting out in front of the public, getting out in front talking whether it’s on little interviews, whether it’s on speaking engagements at your company, come up being expert in your field where you are at your company and get up in front of your team and talk to people. Jess, myself as an entrepreneur, I know we have a lot of entrepreneurs that watch the Making Bank Show, what tips would you suggest to give them, to get out there and get in front of people, as well as capitalize on their expertise in their field? Speaking wise.

Jess: I’d say, try to speak everywhere. Obviously you have to draw the line somewhere and the best places to speak are places where your right prospects or people that you really want to know about you are there. You and I met at a conference where I was one of the speakers and I was thinking, “Well, this is a great room of people.” I get to speak for an hour. If we were just mingling at a cocktail party or they had a cocktail party, we may not have even met or maybe we talk and not really know much about each other.
I had a whole one hour to really give and connect with people if I do it right, and then during that, what happens is people pre-qualify themselves and certain people come out and say, “I need to work with you, or I need to find out more, or we need to talk after today,” or something along those lines. It’s a great business strategy and also just putting yourself in that situation. People ask me all the time about fear of speaking and I would say entrepreneurs or people who are out there already doing it big, I already used to pushing through fear. That’s like really the biggest thing. The biggest thing is how do you get great and it’s like doing more of it finding everywhere using opportunities. Maybe just with your staff or your colleagues to stand up and start talking them, doing it in bigger way instead of just [ling 00:12:31] back, reading of a piece of paper and in an internal meeting.

Josh: Awesome. One of the things I want to start getting [to this 00:12:38] is what are those TV daily habits, we were talking today about success and taking those habits to move you forward to success. If we’re going out on speaking and we’re going to be going out and talking to the public and those places, have you ever have that fear or maybe push through that fear. From a speaking stand point and getting ourselves in front of the camera, what are some success habits that you found that have helped you reach your level of success?

Jess: We’re living in an amazing time, where everybody has a TV studio in their pocket, as I pull mine out. That’s right. Even if you don’t have fancy cameras like you have today and lights, and all that other stuff. You can have … You can put this on a tripod. I mean the newer phones really shoot high, high definition video. Don’t tell our camera crew here. No they have the …

Josh: That 1080p, yes.

Jess: Right! High definition. They make a microphone that goes, so you can shoot, if you want to do something daily, you can shoot a short tip video or video to your mailing list, or the people who follow you, or the people who should be following you, and you can do a little something every single day. The first few are not going to be great. They’re just not. As time goes on, they will get better and better and you can eliminate some of those early ones. People will start to connect and say, “Well, that was really good information.” I have people from other countries who’ve seen videos that I have done, that are on YouTube, who work with me.

Josh: Awesome, Jess. Technology is a great piece to utilize. I’m Josh Felber, host of the Making Bank TV Show on the Whatever it Takes Network and we will be right back.

Welcome back to Whatever it Takes Network. I’m Josh Felber, host of the Making Bank Show and we’re back with Jess Todtfeld. We were discussing success strategies to move you forward, getting out in front of people, getting out in front you, you’re right audience and hoping you become better entrepreneur and more successful. Welcome back, Jess.

Jess: Thanks for having me here.

Josh: We were talking about a little bit about technology and there’s no excuse anymore. Everybody has a camera on. Now we have our camera, we take those steps, and we start shooting some video. How do we make them awesome? How do we get better? That’s what all of us want to know.

Jess: Step one is have something real good to say to help people. If you’re boring, nobody is going to be tuning in for more than five seconds. They’ll say, “I hate this guy,” and look they get out of there. Step one, have something good to say. Step two, make sure you have good audio, so I was saying you can take out your phone. They make special microphones. If you’re going to have the phone you can go and get better cameras by the way and not for a whole heck of a lot of money, but make sure that you’re micked up the right way. We have proper audio here if it sounds hollow and tinny, people won’t tune in. The next is change the backgrounds up a little bit. Make it just a little bit different each time.

Some people will say, “Oh I’ll just shoot in front of the same thing or green screen and you get to start somewhere.” At certain point, it becomes less interesting. Having said that, the first couple of hundred of videos that I shot for myself I have the exact the same background. How do I learn that lesson? After watching them I said, “Enough for that, no new background.” The other thing is, keep it going. By the way the video device, whatever it is your phone is a great way to practice a speech or presentation and not be delivering your first draft in front of people. A first draft is [crosstalk 00:16:17].

Josh: Absolutely. That’s excellent, and it’s interesting when you start shooting yourself on camera. See, this is what happens. You understand you start to pick up on things. I say you know a lot. Being on camera, I may able to see that happen and watch yourself. For me, being successful and trying to strategize, that helps me see what happens and then start to eliminate some of those traces or those different speech patterns that we all may have.

Jess: At a slower rate to get rid of it is to shoot a whole lot of video and then say, “Ahh, why did I do that?” Then hate it so much that you get better and better. A sure way if people Google eliminate um’s and uh’s, I have a little tool that usually pops up with that if you Google. I have a tool where people can record some of their audio. By the way, this is an important part of the technique. You just talk for five minutes and talking about whatever it is and either the um’s and uh’s or you know or whatever, the like for the younger people ends up being in there. What happens is, “Ooh, yeah, you hate it.” It makes you angry but that’s good because you’re a step closer. It’s the whole game of consciousness. Subconscious mind, everything’s all agreeing to getting rid of it, and then what you do is you highlight it to little sound waves, and you hit delete, kind of you’d like you would in Microsoft Word with the word, and you highlight delete, highlight delete.
At the end of doing this, you playback, it sounds amazing. What happens is you say, “I will never say those words again.” I stumbled on this whole technique because I was editing some of my old audio probably about 10 or 12 years ago. Said, “Ahh, I made so much more work,” but it really helps.

Josh: Because you don’t want to keep editing.

Jess: No, I don’t want to keep editing and I said, “This is terrible.” All seem very aware of it so then in front of people, giving a big speech, I would notice if I was saying it or not where before maybe you would notice.

Josh: Right, definitely.

Jess: I would notice. People would notice.

Josh: A key point is being successful in our business, we have to be aware of what we’re saying, be aware of our actions, and being able to start taking those daily habits of success and one of those is understanding what we’re saying and how we’re saying it, who we’re saying it to. I remember some of your background that we read a little bit as when you were a kid, did you know at that point, “Hey, I’m going to be a speaker, I’m going to be an entrepreneur?” What kind I guess?

Jess: It’s funny, the models around me were all traditional models, both my parents were teachers. Now looking back there were so many signs of being an entrepreneur. I started every kind of kid business. Selling candy, delivering newspapers, shucking corn for people … I lived in New York, I don’t know why we had corn.

Josh: Shuck corn.

Jess: It had something to do with some Altara  conferences, where they got to dig out the corn just for … Doing all these different things, there are always signs early on. I’ve never thought necessarily about, “I want to be on camera,” I want to be up on stage speaking.“ It was one of those things that just people kept saying, “Oh, you’d be good.” “Why don’t you go out there?” In fact the whole reporting thing happened because I was a producer and they said, I’m not being funny to say but they said, “Jess, oh you’re kind of funny, let’s send you out,” and they had me do the wackiest, silliest things with people. Get people jump into big giant tubs of soda, and pour milk on their heads, a lot of silly stuff. Those were the earlier days. That was fantastic. I do less of that. Today, I don’t do any of that.

Josh: Excellent. What is one step that you can give our audience today that will empower them to take that next step in shooting the video or audio, just some success habit that they can take and move forward with today?

Jess: I always think be like a Nike and just do it. You have to just say, you have to put a date or day on the calendar and say, this is when this is happening. Because if you say, “I’m planning on doing this at some point,” you’re not going to do it. It’s not going to happen. If you say, “This is the day,” and if you tell people too, now you’re accountable to your words, so that you can go and do it. What I find is, especially for my filming, shooting a short little video everyday is not as easy for me as taking a day off the calendar which is pretty much impossible but I occasionally do it, and then just shoot as many as I can get all day. It usually ends up being about 30 short videos by the time I get through it. It’s about picking a time and deciding what value can you give people and getting it out there. You’d be surprised people will find you with these things.
Josh: For sure.

Jess: Make sure it’s key word correctly with YouTube and all those other things and on your site.

Josh: That’s great. For me, I procrastinated. I procrastinated. I just had a schedule on my calendar to make it happen, real quick before we wrap up here. I know when I was watching at the conference you did, it was some kind of Jerry Seinfeld dance or something.

Jess: I may have been told I have a Seinfelder’s face. What’s the deal with that? People come on? That’s good.

Josh: How did that come up, before we wrap up here?

Jess: Actually, the funny thing is, most of what I do is more skill-based. It’s funny, my parents were teachers I ended up becoming a teacher, it’s actually even though it’s my own business. If the speech that you saw was more of a motivational leadership thing. I had a piece of that day where I said, “Celebrate small victories.” That we don’t take time to during a regular day and you close some sale, you go, “Hey, you close that sale.” “Okay, get back to work.” I have to get on the phone. Stop and celebrate it in some way. I do this thing that we don’t have the space to do right now, which was a one-minute dance party, and it works with certain groups, certain groups probably I should not bring it up for those group. You can tell certain room they’re going to- they’ll jig that, and they’re like, and everybody got up and moves and just a little bit, I had let music playing.

That’s something I once did when I worked in television. We got a really great guest, the big celebrity, I would turn on the music and boy, did it upset everyone who was not on our show, but everybody on our show go crazy and then we turned it off. It was a lot of fun. It’s about however you celebrate small victories, do that.

Josh: Awesome, Jess. I really appreciate you’re being here today

Jess: My pleasure.

Josh: We had some great information for our listeners. I am Josh Felber, host of the Making Bank TV Show, on the Whatever it Takes Network. Thank you.

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