Dominate Business Competitors

No matter what business you are planning to begin, it is highly likely that a similar business dealing with products similar to yours is already in the market. Business competitors are something [...]

From Rags to Riches with A Small Business

Everybody dreams and most entrepreneurs dream about turning into the next rags to riches story starting with their small business. In order to run a business successfully, you need to have a [...]

How a Positive Outlook reflects on your Business

“I do not believe in taking the right decision, I take a decision and make it right.” – Muhammad Ali Jinnah A positive outlook and consistency really has the power to change an entire situation. [...]

Tips for setting up a Successful Business

There are many people who come-up with brilliant business ideas that possess every possibility of succeeding but often are seen to fail because of not getting an ideal start. A number of factors [...]

5 Brilliant Tips to Make Your Business Successful

The success of a business is not just about its financial growth. Although it is the ultimate goal, there are other factors that play an important role in tagging a business as successful. There [...]

Business Success Coach Josh Felber Hits Amazon Best-Seller List With New Book, “Transform”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Business Success Coach Josh Felber Hits Amazon Best-Seller List With New Book, “Transform”  Josh Felber recently hit two best-seller lists with the new business [...]

The ABCs of Business Branding

Why should you worry about Business Branding? A brand is defined as ‘A distinguishing symbol, mark, logo, name, word, sentence or a combination of these items that companies use to distinguish [...]

5 Step Strategy to Boost your Sales

Sales are the nourishment that drives a business, and any start-up needs to keep finding ways to boost sales if they are to keep from going belly-up in the near future. However, bouts of feast [...]

Life Coach Finding the Balance between Lake Wobegon and Woe is Me

Do you need a Life Coach?  Psychologists say we all think we’re better than we are.  Most people think they are good-looking or at least attractive, when in reality; most of us have average [...]

How to come up with Business Startup Ideas

My various ranting over the course of time must have convinced at least some of you to abandon your nine-to-fives and take the daring initiative of embarking on your own entrepreneurial [...]

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